About Durg district

Durg is a major city in the state of Chhattisgarh, India is in the middle of the Seonath river (Shivnath river) in the east and Durg-Bhilai is a part of the urban pile. This fort is the headquarters of the district.
North latitude Between- 20 degrees 23 'and 22 degree 02'; Eastern longitude Between- 80 degrees 46 'and 81 ° 58'
Meaning at sea level above altitude - 317.00 meters.
Area - 8701.80 square Km of; Population - 2810436 (as of 2001 census)
place: -
Durg district is a more populous district of Chhattisgarh. It lives in the south-western part of the Chhattisgarh plains and near the belt of hill country in south, south-west and north-west, along with mineral resources and forests. National Highway No. 6 (Mumbai - Sambalpur - Kolkata) is the main highway of the district and the train is between Mumbai-Kolkata, the main line of South Eastern Railway is in the heart of the nearest airport from the district headquarters Durga (Raipur). 50 kmNatural geography: -
The district is situated in the upper Sheonath-western part of the Mahanadi valley and the hills adjacent to the border in the south and southwest. Physiographically, the district can be divided into two divisions, namely. Chhattisgarh plain and southern plateau. Chhattisgarh is on the largest area of plain district.
Minimum rainfall of average, average and district fortress is 1477.2 mm, 1071.16 mm and 781.5 mm per year respectively.
Rivers The normal slope of the district is towards the local level in some places north and north east and east. Sheonath and Kharun rivers contribute the most in drainage system of the district. All the small drains and rivers are either the tributaries of the Sheonath River or the Kharun River. Sheonath river flows near the western boundary of the district while the river forms the eastern boundary of Kharun district which eventually joins the Sheonath River. River Sheonath is the only part of the Mahanadi Basin.
Forest area is 9.01% i.e. 730 square kilometers.
Durg is generally a dry tropical climate.
Climate: - The climate of the district is moderate but in the summer season a hot side peak temperature is usually reaching in May / June and can be as high as 45 degrees Celsius. The beginning of monsoon is generally from July and extends in the months of July and August of the season, with the monsoon going up further. After the monsoon, the average temperature is correct between December and January between 32 ° C and about 12 ° C.
art and culture : -
Chhattisgarh is rich in its cultural heritage. The state is a very unique and vibrant culture. There are more than 35 big and small tribes spreading in colorful areas. Their rhythmic folk music, dance and drama are also being treated to provide an insight into the state's culture. Pandwani, the state's most famous dance-drama, is a musical statement of the great Hindu epic Mahabharata. Route Nacha (folk dance of the Guvals), are some of the cult and other famous dance styles of the Soowa area.

Pandawani: -Pandwani is a Panthi song performed mainly in Chhattisgarh. It depicts the story of the leading characters in Pandavas, epic Mahabharata. It has been described in a very lively form, almost to create scenes in viewers' minds. Teejan Bai Traditionally, to maintain a male, it is recently incorporated in the times.Teesjan Bai is involved in the involvement of women artist in the Pandwani narrative and is seen by some singers and musicians without support. Lead performers tell episode one episode after epic in a very powerful way. In the scenes they make, to produce a more realistic effect of the characters. Sometimes, he also breaks out in a dance movement. During the performance, she sings with rhythm Ektara produced by her held in hand. There are two styles of narration in Pandwani; Vedamati and Kapalik. Leaders in style Vedamati style sit on the floor during the show and show it in a simple way. The Kaplik style is swell, where the statement actually does the sequences and characters.
The kapalik style of Pandawani artist from Ganiyari village of Tejanbai, Durg district, has contributed significantly in popularizing this dance genre in India and abroad. She has been bombarded with honoring Ahilya Devi and the prestigious Padmashree, in 1988, Shreshtha Art Acharya in 1994 and in 1996 with some names for the prestigious Sangeet Natak Akademi Award. In 2002 Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur announced the award of honor to D.Litt for Tejanbai.
Like Riyev Verma from Tejanbai, Raubandha, Bhilai also adopted the Kapalik style of Pandawani. Ritu Verma had already visited Germany and England to perform Pandavani. Mr. Poona Ram had received Padambhoosan for displaying the vedamati style Pandwani of Pandwani artist from the Ringani village of Nisad, Durg district.
Panthi : -Feminist Dance,The Panthi dance of the Saturni community of Chhattisgarh bears religious motives. Performance on Maghi Purnima - The birth of Guru Baba Ghasidas is still evolving to include a variety of dance steps and patterns. Dancer, set for a jaitkhamb opportunity, dance songs around to eulogizing their spiritual head. The song also reflects Nirvana Darshan, the spirit of renunciation of his Guru and continues to dance away from his devotion until Kabir, Ramdas, Dadu, etc. The teachings of saints poets like dancers with twisted torsos and swinging arms. As the rhythm quickens, they indulge in acrobatics and even incorporate musical instruments with human pyramids. Mridang and Jhaanj.
Raut dance : -According to the Hindu Calendar, Raut is a traditional Panthi dance of the Yadavas / Yaduvanshis, as a symbol of worship of Raut Nacha, Gay dance of Panthi dance, 'Dev udhni Ekadashi' (Awakening of the Gods after brief rest).
tourist spot : -

Sri Uwassaggaharam Parshwa Tirtha, Nagpura: -This is a Jain temple in the city of Nagpura, situated on the banks of the 1995 Sheonath River, the complex houses located in temples, guest houses, a garden and natural medicine and yoga center. The entrance of Shri Parshvanath's magnificent marble temple is the statue of a 30-foot Gate Parsvnath, through the support of four pillars (spiritual atonement, ie, intellect, introspection, good conduct, four mandatory representations of asceticism), being worshiped Is by two elephants Holy Water, Ami, Statue oozes from here Hundreds of pilgrims come to this temple on full moon.
Maitri garden: -A zoo co-children's park, maintained by Bhilai Steel Plant. The main attractions of the zoo are exotic animals and bird species, lakes, toy trains and others. Musical fountain is a dynamic spectacle situated in the artificial lake on the island of Maitri Bag, which is in a way that reacts to music in the interpretation of rhytmm of style and music performance. Each movement lit up with magnificent colors - in the form of musical plays, left with air, twist, sway, pirate, pulse, water shooting jumps and rhythm in the drum. The pistol 2 is shown here in the evening, On alternative days. White tigers are the main attractions of the zoo. Every year a flower exhibition is organized here.
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Aerorplane :-The nearest airport to the district headquarters Durga is in Mann (Raipur) about 50 km.
from the way : -The district is well connected to the roads. Mumbai-Kolkata GE Road passing through National Highway No. 6 District Other important roads in the district are Durg-Dhamdha-Bemetara road. Kawardha-Bemetara-Simga road, Kumhari-Pathriya road, Rajnandgaon-Antagarh road, Durg-Utai road etc.
by train : -Durg city is well situated in the middle of the road between Mumbai-Kolkata on the main line of the South Eastern Railway. In the narrow width of the main railway line across the district, the total length of the line being cut is only 17 km. There is also branch line Dalli-Rajahara from the fort to transport iron ore.
Durg district's STD code is "0788".
District Durg Pin Code is "491001".