History of Durg district

District Durg Raipur and Bilaspur districts have been formed on 1 January 1906 by taking the areas. At that time, today's Rajnandgaon and Kabirdham (Kawardha) districts were also part of the Durg district.
On January 26, 1973, the district Durg was divided and separate Rajnandgaon district came into being. The district of Rajnandgaon was also divided on July 6, 1998 and the new Kabirdham district came into being.
Before 1906, Durg is a tehsil of Raipur district.
At the time of the formation of the Durg district in 1906, this Durg, Bemetara and Balod had three tehsils.
The district has again been divided on January 1, 2012 and two new districts Bemetara and Balod came into existence.
It is suggested by the name of Durg that it has been given a well-determined place of some results of historical change in the Southern Kosala.
A Jagag from the city appears, which came from Badhaldesh in Mirzapur and became the official of the treasury of Ratan Dev Ratanpur, about 10th century AD has been established. Rajagopal is happy with the commendable service and he is being given a Durg with 700 villages as a reward. An inscription, now preserved in Rajput Museum, is composed of Sivapur and Sivadurga, together with a king named Sivadeva. It is quite probable that Seodurg's name is Sivadurga Shivnath (river), which gradually comes from small in the Durg. Marathas, when they actually ran the Chhattisgarh region, in 1741, Chhattisgarh made their campaign a Durg. In addition to winning the Durg, he has a high attitude standing in the existing city and gives a bird's eye view of the surroundings on which a charged camp was formed.
A small guideless figure of Buddha and many stone foot stools are found here like Buddha period sculptures. A temple of Hanuman is located inside the Durg to be constructed by Jagtpal.
A big tank known as Harpa-Dandhe in the city is 9 million and has been excavated overnight from the Tunka-Jharoni mound near the railway station, was said to have been created during the operation by the waste earth from its basket. .
After the establishment of Bhilai Steel Plant, Chhattisgarh has become the most important industrial center in the city. This will not only provide good employment opportunities in the steel plant but will definitely push the activities further in other areas of the economy. It clearly shows bright prospects to encourage economic activities in the Durg showing the Durg.